Superior Falls

One of the largest waterfalls in the region, Superior Falls borders the great lake, and boasts wonderful views and a little fun as well
Superior Falls sits right next to the Superior River, near the northern terminus of the Montreal River. The parking area for the falls is rather large, and there are porta-potties directly next to the parking area.
To see the lower region of the falls, you can hike down to the base of the river, towards the lake. Once down, you'll hike towards a rocky wall near the base of the falls. For the best view, you'll need to "scale" the ledge, which could be tricky during inclement weather. Once you're on the other side, you'll notice a huge eroding wall opposite of the falls. The waterfall is over 60 feet high, cascading down a steep slope.
To see the upper region of the falls, you can first see the entire falls from a viewing platform next to the parking lot. Just follow the path next to the fence line. You can continue closer to the falls following an unused grass path during parallel to the road. Continue on this path until you see a opening to head down towards the falls. Once down, there is a ledge that stands you naturally between the upper and lower section of the falls. Local kids like to use this area for cliff jumping (and its a lot of fun!). IF doing so, please be mindful of your surroundings and abilities. Also, the dam does open up occasionally, making the river flow strength much stronger than usual. Be mindful of the sirens, and avoid the water if they are running.